
Top Destinations InAustralia To Satisfy Your Love For Nature

Everyone should visit Australia at least once in their lifetime. Australia holds such amazing natural beauties to watch that it has become a treat to the eyes and minds of the nature lovers. Most tourists in Australia go there to enjoy the exotic cities and the vast diversity of wildlife. However, they miss a lot of Australia’s most beautiful natural beauties. Australia with its diversity in wildlife and nature has thus become a destination for the nature lovers.

So, here is a list of top destinations in Australia for the nature lovers out there. Get ready, pack your bags, book tickets, book hotels and choose one or all of these Australian wonders to see. Enjoy the vacation in the lap of mother nature. And you can also find some discounts using DealvoucherzĀ coupons for your trip too. Check them out.

The Great Ocean Road: –

Most of the people do this sightseeing being in the comforts of your car. The 243km driveaway of the Great Ocean Road is the home to a lot of Australia’s exotic scenic beauties and is considered the most scenic road in the world. This road is stretched from Torquay to Allansford. While you are on the Great Ocean Road, you’ll find companions in the crystal-clear water and the salty breeze. So, roll down the window of your car and let them come in and talk with your calm sub-conscious mind.

While driving there is a lot of scenic beauties that you might miss in this driveway. However, there are some must-see stops where you MUST stop and enjoy watching how the painter in nature has played with its brushes. Even if you want to move fast to your next destination, do not forget to get out of your car at Port Campbell National Park and Otway National Park. Both of these national parks been featured with some picturesque waterfalls and a lot of hiking trails.

Fraser Island: –

Declared as a World Heritage Site in the year of 1992, Fraser is the world’s largest sand island. This one is located along with a lot of beautiful island in the southern coasts of Queensland, Australia. There are near about 200 residents are there at the Fraser Island. Fraser Island is not only surrounded by beautiful sea water, but it also has rainforests, diverse wildlife a lot of freshwater lakes and a lot more. And the marine life here with the mighty Whales, Sharks and playful Dolphins will surely blow your mind up.

The Great Barrier Reef: –

It is one of those most well-known natural wonders of the world. It is situated in the northern coast of Queensland and has almost 3000 small reefs in it. The Great Barrier Reef is stretched almost 2300kms alongside the Australian coast. The Great Barrier Reef is so large that it is even visible from the outer space. It is recognised as the world’s largest living structure.

When will you visit The Great Barrier Reef? Well, that entirely depends on your bucket list. If you are in Australia mainly to experience scuba diving or snorkelling, you should land your plane here first. Even before reaching the nearest airport if possible. Although the reef has been degraded over the few past decades and has also experienced coral bleach too, the Great Barrier Reef is still considered as the home of most stunning corals and lively marine life. So, if scuba diving is your main priority in Australia, The Great Barrier Reef is the very first place for you to visit.

Uluru: –

Uluru has become Australia’s nature icon now. And it has a special place in the minds of nature loving tourists. Uluru situated in the Kata Tjuta National Park in the northern Australian territory, is the world’s largest monolith. But what attracts the tourists most, is its striking red colour against those bright blue skies. If you are in the northern part of Australia and you haven’t seen Uluru yet, don’t come back until you see it.

Yarra Valley: –

Yarra Valley is in every nature lover’s bucket list. It’s a dream come true moment for nature lovers to go on a hot air balloon ride over the Yarra Valley. This natural wonder is located in Victoria. Victoria is full of wineries. So, if you choose to have a hot air balloon ride over the valley, you can enjoy the beauty of these vineyards from the top, and that will be a lifelong memory for sure.

So, here are some of Australia’s most beautiful sightseeing views for nature lovers. Check them out, and you might find your next destination.

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