
How to Properly Maintain Mobile’s Wheels

Owning crane trucks for hire in Sydney is a great investment. As a responsible mobile crane owner, you must ensure that your trucks are working at the most optimal level possible to help you avoid any inconveniences such as breakdowns that could potentially result in you getting involved in an accident. Similarly, you must also take into account maintaining your trucks’ outside appearance.

Obviously, at any time of the day, whether or not you take it on the road, your trucks may accumulate dust, dirt, and other particles that would settle on its exterior parts. Indeed, cleaning them must be done periodically. That way, your trucks, along with your commitment on having it working at the highest level, can still look good as you first bought it some months or years ago.

When people think of crane trucks, they easily assume that they are dirty – full of mud and dirt. However, little did they know that these vehicles can also look neat. Some people are under the impression that crane trucks’ rims and wheels should not be cleaned as it will just be a waste of time. However, in reality, it is the other way around. Basically, rims and wheels of crane trucks are not just installed for aesthetic purposes; they’re there to provide tire support. Just like your vehicle being an investment in itself, you can actually buy either brand-new rims in a variety of styles and finishes, helping add a custom touch and enhanced appearance to your truck, which can attract more clients.

Other exterior parts of your mobile crane attract dirt (mud), grease, and debris, and your rims are no different. It is very important that you keep your set of rims free from any of these dirty particles, and while you can go to the car wash to deal with them, you can also spend a little more time in making sure that every nook and cranny of every rim is cleaned.

Meanwhile, below are some general tips on how you can maintain your truck’s rims cleaned and well-maintained:

  • Make sure that your tires and the rest of the vehicle are cleaned first, and then focus on the rims.
  • The stiff bristles of the tire brush could scratch the rim surface. Better use a soft toothbrush; it’s gentle on the rims and it can help you tackle hard-to-reach gaps. Just like you place a bit of toothpaste on the toothbrush’s bristle to clean your teeth, you must first dip it in soapy water and start scrubbing away. After all the grimy particles have been removed, splash the soapy rims with clean water. Once you’re done, use your lint-free for drying the rims.
  • You can buy a spray cleaner made especially for your truck rims at auto accessory shops as an alternate for soapy water. Make sure that you read everything at the back of the rim cleaner before purchasing it. Again, once you’re done, use the towel to dry the rims off.
  • Over time, one of your rims may accumulate rust. If this happens, you don’t need make replacements. You can actually use (or buy, if you don’t have one) a concentrated cleaner with high acid content. Once you’ve cleaned them and dried, spray the cleaning solution on the rust, using the stiff brush. Be cautious, though, because such a bristle may scratch an even rim surface.
  • To make your wheels look brand new, you may invest on a wax solution made specifically for them. Just like the car body wax you have in your garage, it’s a best thing to have one in handy every time you clean your vehicle as it protects your rims from accumulating any dirt or debris.

Taking into consideration these tips can greatly prolong the sheen of your rims. Indeed, wheels protection and maintenance can bring the best out of your crane truck’s appearance every time, whether on the road or not.

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