
What Next After a Medical Detox?

The drug detoxification process is not easy. It is not only uncomfortable but can also be fatal if not controlled or supported medically. In addition, the fact that a chemical substance is being forced to drastically cease altering your bodily functions will cause serious resistance. However, it is an important drug and substance recovery phase. What’s more, it is crucial for the success of treatment and is worth it. So what happens next once you have managed to overcome these phases?

Comprehensive Care

After the detox, your body system is clean enough, and you can begin additional treatment processes. Here is when you learn how to become a better version of yourself. This is the comprehensive treatment section of the treatment, where you learn about the different coping mechanisms that will help you thrive post the drug detox phase. Of course, the temptations will be high, and you will feel like relapsing, but the lessons, skills, and tools you will be equipped with at this phase will be very helpful.

Usually, the rehab facility you choose will have several amenities and facilities to help you in this phase. Of course, luxury rehabs will have more luxurious offers on the table. Generally, you will be exposed to therapy sessions organized into a group, individual, and sometimes family sessions.

You also get to enjoy case management services. This is where you get a personalized treatment plan suited for you.

Family resources are the other benefit of this stage. Patients are taught effective communication skills and social skills that enhance better relationships with family and friends.

Your medication management is also handled after the detox phase. You will be guided on how to use non-narcotic drugs to help you fully recover. Sometimes psychiatric evaluation is needed after the detox, especially if other disorders could trigger a relapse.

Choices to Make after Detox

Once the detox session is done, there are several options that patients are given. First, they may be cleared to leave, but this is not always advised, especially when they are not equipped with relevant coping skills. Options to go for include:

  • Returning home immediately after. This is often discouraged because the chances of relapse are extremely high.
  • Inpatient treatment program. This is highly recommended, especially for severe or long-term addiction cases. A lot of learning and unlearning needs to be done and can best be handled in an inpatient facility.
  • Moving into a sober home. This is different from the inpatient facility, where the treatment is intense. At the sober homes, patients continue to get medical support as they learn how to cope. It is some sort of weaning back to normal living.

Patients are often advised on which steps to take for the benefit of their recovery journey. Not all plans and choices are suited for everyone. A proper assessment and evaluation is needed to ascertain plans that actually work. Consider going with options that will make your goals of recovery a reality.

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