Before embarking on a different voyage or travel experience, you have to be known everything about the voyage. In that manner, here given some tips for the first time travelers on Maharaja’s Express. It will be better and fine to be known before getting into the luxurious train.
These travelling tips mentioned below will be helpful to the travellers who are planning for a trip through Maharaja’s Express.
Be fit:
You have to be fit while travelling through Maharajas Express because you have to walk for many Kilometres during outside-excursions. With Maharajas Express, every day in tour plan you have to go for different sightseeing tours. So you have to walk a 1km or long. It is better to pack good walking shoes and required things for a smooth walk. To enjoy all the attractions through Maharaja’s Express means you have to be strong and fit.
Pack less:
It will be fine to pack your bags with few things and must-required requirements. If you pack your bags all things in your home means it will be a burden to you only while travelling. So pack your bags as fewer as possible and it will be easy to carry them from one to other place or can easily store in your cabins. Pack light and never get stressed.
In India, the climate will be different in different places. So you have to pack some recommended clothes according to the climate of the places that you are going to visit. Sometimes itinerary packages will be on winter season, at that time you have to woollen clothes or thick fur clothes to get warm. However, according to the season you have to pack your clothes.
Come with earplugs:
While travelling on Maharaja’s Express sometimes it will be noisy due to some old rail tracks of the time of British. At that time you will be irritated with noise, so if you bring a pair of earplugs means is better for you to get rid of noise and can have a nice journey.
Before embarking on Maharaja’s Express check your health is fine or not. If not, carry proper medication recommended by your physician. If you need any other special requirements on the train according to your health you have to mention while booking for the tickets. So be healthy and enjoy the journey on Maharaja’s Express.
Never get confused with multiple many agents:
There will be many multiple websites to book for Maharaja’s but the operator is one. So book your tickets carefully without misleading on different websites. Get know who is the General Agent of Maharaja’s and then book with them.
Aware of rule and regulations:
It is the most important thing be aware of all rules and regulations while booking on Maharaja’s Express. You have to be keen with all formalities and complete them without missing anything. And give if you require any special requirements.
It’s up to you how to plan before travelling on Maharajas Express by the above-mentioned precautions. So be prepared and enjoy your luxurious train trip in India with your family or friends on Maharaja’s.